Abortion advocates lash out on group that supports victims of rape

Saynsumthn's Blog

There are times when good people MUST speak out and this is one of them. My friend is being attacked online by abortion advocates simply because she is willing to help support the “choice” of women and girls to NOT abort their rape conceived children.

Before you start spilling all your hate on me as well, this blog post is not about rape – it is about the hypocrisy of the left. It is about the rape victims and their right to not be made to feel like they are bad people because they did not want to abort their child.

Enter an 11 year-old pregnant rape victim.

If you call yourself pro-choice then you must believe that the “choice” whether to have an abortion or not is the pregnant girl’s alone.

Having said that, I will soon prove that, according to the advocates of abortion, if the pregnant girl…

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#Prolife…..for Animals.

During a bit of a fray that I kind of caused, people showed their dislike for God, unborn babies, especially me personally but glorified animals above all. If you have a Facebook account, read the comments here. I guess it’s a good thing they didn’t see my Earth Day post…


It’s awfully easy to voice your opinion behind a computer rather than showing up. I’d venture to say that these people don’t help animals, either.

Showing up on the sidewalk and the Statehouse is a boots on the ground ministry. I’d bet these same animal people are the ones that scream obscenities and give us the one finger wave ALL THE TIME.

The OUTRAGE of one dog treated badly shows how out of balance we are as a nation, as Christians, as HUMANS. We have given animals and the environment carte blanche while unborn babies die, 4000 per day…

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Abstinence is unrealistic and old fashioned

The Matt Walsh Blog

From my inbox, an email from a high school student named Jeremy:

“Dear Matt, first I want to say I really like your blog. One of my teachers actually mentioned it in class once after you wrote something (she didn’t mention it in a good way lol) and I went and looked you up so I’ve been following you ever since. I know you get so much email so I don’t expect you to see this but in case you do I wanted to get your opinion about something. You write a lot about relationships and everything so I’m wondering if you think abstinence should be encouraged in school?

Reason I’m asking is because we are doing our sex ed lessons in health class now and the topic has come up. Yesterday my health teacher was talking about safe sex and someone mentioned abstinence and she said it wasn’t realistic…

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Understanding the Hypocritical Prochoice Bully

True enough, prochoice and hypocrite and bully go hand in hand. Let me explain.

KeepLifeLegalhas been targeted [along with others] by hypocritical prochoice/proabort drones. They try to locate peaceful prolifers to intimidate them to stop professing LIFEand Jesus Christ. These people are God-hating racist liars. Below is an excerpt from their site:

By providing addresses and telephone numbers, they are asking people to intimidate and attack peaceful prolifers at their own homes, whether knocking on their doors or calling them. But let me go through their own bullet points, one by one, to let everyone know exactly who the haters and bullies are:

1. Intolerance: Prochoicers and proaborts are completely intolerant of anyone that does not agree with their agenda. They have this unbending will to extract people from the general public who pose a threat to them politically.

2. Discrimination: Prochoicers and proaborts single…

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Breaking the Facade

Where The Lines Overlap

By Liz Reed, Executive Director of Georgia Businesses for Life

The Girl Scouts…My initial thoughts are of my own few years in the Scouts as a young girl. Selling cookies, earning badges, going to campouts, reading Bible stories around a camp fire, spending precious time with my mother who worked 3 jobs and yet still had time for every scouting event. Those memories are probably some of the most precious that I carry with me from my childhood.

I’m certain that for most Americans, this warm, fuzzy, sentimental reaction is pretty standard when considering the Girl Scouts. It is an organization that we trust, one that we turn our daughters to in complete faith that only good things will come of it.

Which is precisely why the conservative community is expressing such an outrage to the exposure of the once-so-innocent group’s ties to and outright support of pro-abortion organizations…

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Wow, just wow….

This was in response to my post Women Deserve Better In 2013.

“At under 12 weeks, when over 90% of abortions are performed, there is no life. That clump of cells cannot feel pain, cannot think and certainly could not survive without the mother. There is no life to kill, so stop using such emotive language to try and bring others to your cause.

Men can legally walk away, countless cases prove that. Additionally, if you cannot force a man to be a father, why force a woman into becoming a mother just because she has the capability to carry the child?

It doesn’t surprise me that you’re part of the “don’t want kids, don’t have sex” brigade. How many times have you had sex in your lifetime? Has every single time been in the hope of procreating?

It’s not about being mentally capable of “handling” the consequences. Having an abortion would be the most responsible choice for someone in my position. The foster system in the UK and US are so woefully overcrowded that putting another child to languish in the system is not fair. Again, can’t force a woman to be a mother.

Our bodies were not designed, by the way. Humans have evolved, proven fact. Though I guess it wouldn’t be surprising if you’re a creationist either.

There is plenty of logic in my statement. My having an abortion is nothing like child abuse (see aforementioned literal ball of cells which cannot think, cannot feel pain and by all biological criteria is not really alive), and trying to pretend it does shows a severe lack of understanding of both abortion and child abuse. Another woman choosing to have an abortion does not affect you, it’s a choice she has taken seriously to not bring a child into the world that she does not want and therefore could/would not look after. I have friends who want children later in life and would abort now as they are in the middle of advanced degrees, their choice to have children does not affect my life in any way, so how exactly does a woman’s abortion directly affect your own life? Do you have to be in the room when the procedure happens? Don’t think so.

Abstinence doesn’t work as a policy, by the way. I run a female support forum, and when children who are the product of abstinence education crop up – they are utterly unprepared for a sexual relationship. They are not educated about safe sex, they are not educated about proper consent. Also, rates of underage pregnancies in places where sex education is abstinence only are much higher than those with progressive education policies.

Get a clue.”

Seriously, this little girl is the one that needs a clue. Anyone care to enlighten her? She doesn’t seem to want to listen to me, but then again most children do not listen to their elders.

They Said What??

I have another pro-abort gem for you: “Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy.”


What kind of logic is that? Everyone knows that sex can lead to pregnancy. How can someone consent to the act and think that it isn’t consent to the consequences? This statement is more proof of how pro-aborts do not think that people need to take responsibility for their actions. Its failed logic, but then pro-abort logic usually is.

Apply that logic to other scenarios, and you can see how ludicrous it is:

“Consent to eating sweets is not consent to gain weight.”

“Consent to smoking is not consent to develop lung cancer.”

“Consent to tanning is not consent to develop skin cancer.”

“Consent to drinking alcohol is not consent to liver damage.”

“Consent to abusing drugs is not consent to brain damage.”

Anyone presented with the above would agree that each of these actions could result in the corresponding consequence. So why is sexual relations exempt?

Question for pro-aborts: Does this also mean that consent to sex makes someone exempt from the consequence of contracting a STD?

Doesn’t make sense does it? Neither does your argument about pregnancy.